
School trustee (SD 34)

Phil Anderson ❌not elected

Phil equated masks with slavery, ran an anti-SOGI campaign in 2018, and handed out materials to encourage people to vote for Christian candidates.

Korky Neufeld ✅elected

Korky ran an anti-SOGI campaign in 2018. He’s a convoy supporter, fan of transphobic memes.

Earl Storey ❌not elected

Earl stated that he strongly disagreed with SOGI 123 in classrooms during his 2018 run for school trustee.

Jared White ✅ elected

Jared runs an anti-abortion organization (one of those groups that acts like it supports women but is really just super, super pro-life). He is supported by local anti-LGBTQ2S+ activist Pierre Barns, seems to be friends with horrifically anti-LGBTQ2S+ activist Kari Simpson, and worries a lot about who uses which bathroom.

Mike Rauch ✅ elected

Mike joined up with Jared White.

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