Lasqueti Island

Lasqueti Island Trust Area trustee

Dave Olsen ❌ not elected

Dave is an antivaxxer and convoy/freedom supporter. He took over Our Isle & Times newspaper, and in February 2022, he used it to promote the Ottawa convoys, antivaxx pseudoscience, disinformation, far-right extremism, and antisemitism.

The February 2022 issue is titled “Special Freedom Edition.” Someone tried to scrub it off the internet, but nothing is ever truly off the internet. You can read a copy here.

This is the Special Freedom Edition:

You might notice that the front page features an ad from Action4Canada. Action4Canada is very awful.

This is Action4Canada

Action4Canada promotes far-right extremism based in religious fundamentalism. From their website: “Our mission is to protect Canada’s rich heritage which is founded on Judeo-Christian biblical principles. Inherited through our British Commonwealth and embedded in the Magna Carta, these principles form our laws and values and are the basis of a system of governance that sets us apart from totalitarian, extremist and communist regimes.” (Others might describe that as “white supremacist-flavoured Christofascism.”) They rally against SOGI education, LGBT2S+ rights, Islam, abortions, climate change science, immigration, and 5G. Action4Canada predates the pandemic, but quickly began rallying against public health mandates, vaccines, and basic medical science.

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