Prince George

It turns out convoy/freedom groups are really bad at campaigning and had to redact their own list. We removed those images as well and will continue to follow the situation.


Lisa Mitchell ❌ not elected

Lisa was nominated by fellow convoy/freedom member Paul Serup.


Paul Serup ❌ not elected

Karm Manhaus ❌ not elected

Trudy Klassen ✅ elected

Paul campaigned against public health mandates, shared an antivaxx conspiracy theorist, and said in 2018 that a curfew is one option for Prince George. He was nominated by Lisa Mitchell.

Karm denies climate change and told supporters not be wear convoy/freedom clothing or bring convoy/freedom signs in relation to his city council campaigns.

Trudy equated public health measures with tyranny and supply chain issues with socialism.

School trustee (SD 57)

Milton Mahoney ❌ not elected

Cathy Fortin ❌ not elected

Josh Silva ❌ not elected

Cory Antrim ✅ elected

Cathy reposts content anti-Semitic holocaust denier and antivaxxer, anti-masker, and Hitler fanboy Chris Saccoccia a.k.a. Chris Sky.

Anyway, here’s what goes on in their Telegram channel

UNBC has an excellent Political Science program. Please consider POLS 100 as soon as possible.

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