Salmon Arm


Luke Norrie ❌ not elected

Luke is a somewhat regular speaker at convoy/freedom rallies (including the hilarious failure that was Unity Chain) alongside the likes of Ted Kuntz of Vaccine Choice Canada and Chris Sky.

BC Solidarity Movement is an antivaxx and anti-mandate platform that shares the usual far-right extremism (like Ben Shapiro) and heavily promotes groups like Stand United and Vaccine Choice Canada.


Rob Johnson ❌ not elected

Rob is a dentist who felt that public health mandates are bad. So he ran to the usual dens of far-right extremism and spoke at Ocean2Ocean and CLEAR rallies. Rob appears to have some association with the BC Libertarian Party, who joined forced with far-right groups near the beginning of the pandemic. It should be noted that dentists are among the highest-vaccinated professional group in BC.

Shuswap dentist suggests he’d rather close than get vaccinated

Shuswap dentist blasts incoming vaccine mandate for healthcare professionals

Deb Haukedal ❌ not elected

Dan Bardy ❌ not elected

There’s a lot of hate and disinformation hiding in there.

This is Vaccine Choice Canada

Vaccine Choice Canada is a large anti-vaxx organization that has rallied against vaccines and basic public health since the 1982 (then under the name Vaccine Risk Awareness Network). When then pandemic started, they upped the ante and decry pandemic-related health measures as unbearable tyranny and partner with people like Charles Hoff. Vaccine Choice Canada promotes pseudoscientific alternative health practices and products, such as foregoing tetanus vaccination in favour of magnesium supplements. You can read more about Vaccine Choice Canada here.

This is Stand United

Stand United rallies around COVID conspiracy theories and the usual far-right talking points. Their rallies regularly include transphobia, including delightful songs like “boys have peepees and girls have vajayjays” (because the world will literally end if children learn proper names for their body parts). They platform people like anti-Semitic holocaust denier and elementary school science failure Chris Sky and disinformation specialist Daniel Nagase. Stand United organized regular Media is the Virus rallies, such as the event that held downtown Vancouver hostage and harassed Vancouver hospitals on February 5, 2022. In BC, Stand United is organized by Marcella Williams, a.ka. Marcella Desjarlais, 2021 People’s Party of Canada candidate for Burnaby South, and James Davison. Currently, Stand United is serving fake legal documents (“notice of liability”) to scare and harass BC pharmacists, health care providers, city councils, and other who support vaccinations or public health measures. This is their crew:

This is Chris Sky

Chris Saccoccia aka Chris Sky is a fan of Hitler but not a fan of sleeves. Here he is talking about the “Rothschilds,” a deeply anti-Semitic conspiracy.

Later that day (September 19, 2022, to be exact), his supports explaining why this is correct…using a neo-Nazi website. Nice.

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